Life Matters

It’s tough being a young adult. All of a sudden, we’re given the freedom to make our own choices.  Sometimes we get it right, and sometimes we make a big mess of it.  We make it, we’re finally where we wanted to be all along;  grown-up and our own boss. Then the truth hits.

If we don’t have the answers to everything, it’s because we didn’t learn all the skills or where to find those answers. It’s not rocket science, it’s pretty basic and it’s right here.

Physician Reviewed and Approved


LIFE MATTERS is the perfect program for you if you are a teenager or young adult.  You’ll get a jump-start on life skills. You’ll learn all the essentials they may not have taught you at home or in school. Build self-confidence, and stress less later with LIFE MATTERS.

designed to help

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-Care
  • Mindset
  • Gratitude
  • Creating Positive Life Changes
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about time management and goals
  • Anyone who wants to have a better understanding of relationships
  • Anyone who wants to learn about money management

Overview of Life Matters

Time Matters

Time is precious. Respect it. Not only yours, but the time of others.  Good Time Management will organize and prioritize time.

Relationships Matter

Learn what makes you a good friend, partner, son/daughter, brother/sister.  What should you discuss before marriage?  How to avoid harmful relationships.

Health Matters

Develop healthy habits.  When and how often you should see your doctor, dentist, and mental health professionals.

Your Space Matters

Setting your space up for success is important in your journey. You can’t be creative or reach your goals when your room or house is a complete mess! Take time to de-clutter, get rid of the old and keep your space organized.  Learn design principles and how to pay for and save money when purchasing new household items.

Knowledge Matters

Continuing your education after college is essential in today’s world.  It helps to move up in your career, build confidence and satisfaction.  How to decide if it’s worth the investment. Learn your options as well as how to make time and money for continuiing education.

Money Matters

Don’t be one of those kids who learn the hard way and end up spending years paying the banks back.  Learn about credit, budgeting, saving, contribution, taxes, and insurance.

Fun Matters

Life is for living and we should be doing what we love. Find a hobby that takes your mind off stressful tasks in your life.  Travel.

Contribution Matters
Sharing your talents with others or donating your time is a good way to give back to your community. Giving back feels good and the good always finds a way to come back to you!
Spiritual & Self Matters

There is much more to life than the physical things we accumulate.  Learn more about staying in touch with your spiritual side and your self.

relevant topics

  • Feelings
  • Time Management
  • Relationships
  • Staying Healthy
  • Cleaning
  • How to Decorate
  • How to Stock a Kitchen
  • Furthering Your Education
  • Books and Resources
  • Career
  • Contribution
  • Assertiveness
  • Spirituality
  • Organization
  • Insurance
  • Taxes
  • Savings
  • Investing
  • Budgeting
  • Donating
  • Family
  • Forgiveness
  • Dating
  • And Much More!


Your Future Self is Already Thanking You

Adulting isn’t easy especially when we aren’t taught basic life skills in school.. like how to save money, create a budget or file our own taxes!

LIFE MATTERS is a comprehensive self-paced course that has everything you need to create a confident, organized, and abundant life. You’ll learn everything from how to get rid of clutter to how often to go to the dentist and how to pay for it. You’ll learn about relationships, time management and even how to create a healthy relationship with money.  

You have great input from teenagers, millennial’s, doctors, psychologists, parents, different family units, recovery specialists, therapists, health coaches, nutritionists, law enforcement, and teachers.   Research and common sense determine the resources you’ll be receiving.

    It is tough being a teen and young adult.  It’s sometimes hard to be the parent of a teen. Hormones are changing, social interaction can be hard (bullying, peer pressure, decision making.)  It’s a time when you’ve been given more independence. With independence, often comes mistakes. 

    Confidence comes when you approach something new with the right experience and knowledge.

    You are making decisions and taking on new challenges daily, and sometimes come out feeling more confident, but often have feelings of failure, boredom, anxiety, anger, fear, and isolation. By attaining reference, skill-sets, a places to go for help, and easy answers, you can approach life with more confidence and success.

    I'm ready to step into adulthood with both feet on the ground.


    Your solution awaits

    Life Matters


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    4. You must request your refund and provide the above information within 24 hours of purchase.

    All Terms & Conditions and all of our copyright, trademark, and intellectual property rights remain indefinitely, even after a refund has been provided.

    Still have questions? Register here for a strategy session.

    We will learn where you are, where you want to go – and how we can help you get there.

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